Subconscious Freedom Sessions with Sarah Zula




95% of your day is controlled by your subconscious mind. In your formative years, your subconscious mind creates a collection of perceptions that become your future experience of reality.

When you reveal, heal, and transform limiting subconscious perceptions, your whole life changes as a byproduct. The weight is lifted, clarity comes, and you feel the best you’ve ever felt in your relationships, your health, your wealth, your mind, yourSelf. You activate a whole new level of your reality. And when you learn my unique processes of how to continue working with your subconscious, you start playing in such a beautiful game of life.

Scroll through this page to learn more, or jump to the apply section right away by clicking the button below




Subconscious Sessions with Sarah Zula




95% of your day is controlled by your subconscious mind. In your formative years, your subconscious mind creates a collection of perceptions that become your future experience of reality.

When you reveal, heal, and transform limiting subconscious perceptions, your whole life changes as a byproduct. The weight is lifted, clarity comes, and you feel the best you’ve ever felt in your relationships, your health, your wealth, your mind, yourSelf. You activate a whole new level of your reality. And when you learn my unique processes of how to continue working with your subconscious, you start playing in such a beautiful game of life.

Scroll through this page to learn more, or jump to the apply section right away by clicking the button below



Before I tell you about this program, let’s make sure you’re a good fit...

You are right for the 3, 6 or 12-month program if you’re committed to overcoming your limitations and accessing freedom in all areas of your life.

You may have tried other modalities of healing before, yet you can feel that there is something more underneath the surface. Private Coaching is for you if you want to open your heart to move love and feel more inner peace, success, vitality, joy, confidence, focus, creativity, and overall fulfillment in all areas of your life.

If you are… 

A coach, mentor, therapist, healer, or facilitator that knows the life-changing power of having a trained subconscious guide to support you in revealing and dissolving the limitations in your blind spots and feel the best you’ve ever felt in your business  

A heart-led leader looking for support so you can overcome yourself and step into your next level of the service you know you came here to provide

A mother, father, spouse, friend, employee, or boss who desires to dissolve your triggers and improve your reactions so you can enhance your relationships and be the most loving leader you can be

An artist or creative who wants to dissolve the limitations blocking their focus, flow, and ability to actualize their ideas and have the time of their lives as they do so

A being on the path who wants to be the best version of you, who wants to move on from the past, deepen your capacities for compassion for self and others, connect more with your true self, or to increase your clarity, performance, or results in any way. You know there is more to life and to yourself. You can feel that now is the time to seek support to help you reconcile your past and free yourself from limitations, and activate a new level of limitless possibilities

Someone who's good in life already, yet can feel the call for the next level. It's easy to get content in your comfort zone. Especially when it wasn't long ago that this comfort zone was once a dream come true!! Hi there fellow quantum-leaper. Subconscious freedom coaching is fantastic to support the beckoning call in your heart to stretch into your wildest dreams.

If you resonate with any, parts, or all of the above, you're in the right place. 

Freedom Coaching will give you the tools and unparalleled support to reveal and dissolve your subconscious limitations so you can actualize freedom in your mind, your heart, and your life.

No need to take my word for it. Listen to what others have to say...



What you can expect with 

subconscious mind work...


✓ Overcome self-sabotaging patterns

✓ Rapidly change limiting beliefs

✓ Improve your mindset

✓ Improve your health

✓ Improve your relationships

✓ Relieve anxiety

✓ Improve your wealth

✓ See the world in a new light

✓ Access more inner peace and joy

✓ Open your heart to love

✓ Unleash more confidence & creative flow

✓ Move on from your past

✓ Access new levels of service/impact/leadership

✓ Access unlimited possibilities


How sessions will feel...


This is beautiful work that will leave you feeling powerful and refreshed each session.

In addition to profound healing and freedom, by the end of our time together you'll notice you've increased your ability to work with your subconscious mind, your ego, your psyche, your emotions, and your heart. 

You will increase your ability to free yourself and support others in a profound way. The beautiful effects of this work will ripple out to positively impact all of those around you.

This isn't just mindset work and good advice... It's getting to the root of the reason why you are the way you are, and why you experience reality the way you do, and transforming from the root cause. 

This is why this work is so impactful to every area of your life, and so long-lasting.

Some screenshots of Client Wins...

A note from me to you...


Whether you've been in the self-improvement world for many years or are new to this work, I'd first like to acknowledge you.

Your commitment to growth matters greatly to you, your friends, your family, and the evolution of consciousness on this planet. I deeply thank you for the work you’ve done to get to this point.

And from the bottom of my heart, I appreciate all you are and all you've ever been.

However, all of us know, to accomplish new goals, or feel profound next levels of freedom in our relationships, health, wealth, business, or careers, there comes a time for us to reveal subconscious limitations that cloud our vision and sabotage our progress. This is our time to refine our souls and learn the lessons that significantly advance our lives.

For this, I am your specialist. What people tend to walk away with after our time together are levels of freedom they didn't realize were possible to feel. They also feel new levels of deep spiritual awareness actually embodied in their everyday lives. If you resonate with my work and are ready to receive high-caliber support, I invite you to scroll down and apply to work with me.

Apply Now!

I'm Sarah Zula

I'm devoted to helping people free themselves from suffering to access more joy, love, health, wealth, inner peace, and freedom. 

I've guided thousands of people to heal and transform subconscious limitations, and for the past two years, I've certified coaches and healers in subconscious mind coaching modalities through my proprietary subconscious coach certification training. 

After going through one of my first dark nights of the soul in high school, I became obsessed with the mind, human behavior, and the subtleties of how reality works. This passion led me directly to what controls 95% of our lives, the subconscious mind. Very early on I started down the path of exploring my own subconscious mind, and began coaching as soon as I was certified to do so at 23. Almost nine years later and I'm more passionate about this work than ever.

I discovered early on that the barrier between where a person currently is and their ability to live a life of freedom, inner peace, health, love, wealth, and joy, is whatever they have stored in their subconscious mind. So I dedicated my life to helping people free themselves from subconscious constraints that hold them back.


"It's as though you've ushered me into the reality I've always known was possible but still doubted if it could be real for me. I'm so happy that at times it's hard to believe this is real."

- Natalie Torre

Training is a part of my nature, so I prefer to guide sessions in a way where you can learn to guide yourself. I also believe in practicality. So sessions come with practical action items you can incorporate into your everyday life right away.

To learn more about me, my story, and how this work works:

➡️ click here to check out this interview.





How one-time sessions work 

Session Frequency: Meet ONCE via ZOOM, with two 30 minute follow-up phone-calls 3-days later, and 10 days later

Session Length: ZOOM: 90 minutes, two follow-up phone calls 30 minutes each

One-time session Payment: $1,444

How one-month sessions work 

Session Frequency: Meet ONCE a WEEK via ZOOM. 4 Full sessions total.

Session Length: One-hour sessions weekly on zoom

One Month Payment: $2,888

3-month Container

Session Frequency: Meet once a week. 12 sessions over 3 months (repeat if you pick 6-month or 12-month package)

Session Length: 1 hour

3-month Payment Plan: 3 monthly payments of $2,677

Upfront payment: $7777 (save +$255)

6-month Container

Session Frequency: Meet once a week. 24 sessions over 6 months

Session Length: 1 hour

Upfront payment: $14,555 (save +$1k)

12-month Container

Session Frequency: Meet once a week for 12 months

Session Length: 1 hour

Upfront payment: $28,888 (save +$2,220)

What we'll work on

Sessions vary depending on you and where you are on your journey. We'll work on the areas of your life where you're bumping up against the most prominent difficulties, blind spots and/or crave the most freedom/transcendence/limitless possibility

After subconscious limitations are healed and transformed, I will then support you in how you can use the power of your subconscious to create your dream-come-true reality

If you are a coach or healer, we can set your package up to include business mentorship-designated sessions.

Sound good?!

Apply Here

Frequently Asked Questions: